Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Primary Colors

3/7/13 Film Review: Primary Colors The film I reviewed for this assignment was Primary Colors; the film is very closely related to Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. The film stars John Travolta who plays a charismatic southern governor by the name of Jack Stanton. Jack is trying to win the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States. Henry Burton, an idealist is impressed by Jack’s warmth and likeability with the people so he joins Jack’s team as a political adviser. This is an example of material covered in lecture; Jack Stanton’s party was very influential so they recruited Burton.After participating in an intense debate against his democratic rivals, Henry’s ex-girlfriend asks Jack a question about his previous arrest during the 1968 democratic convention in Chicago. Jack’s team of political advisors becomes worried that his blemished past could come into play and effect his chances to win. The team hir es Jack’s old friend Libby Holden and basically keep her on retainer. The presidential advisors hired her in anticipation to womanizing allegations that might surface since Jack was notorious for that.Libby Holden’s job is to respond to attacks that can negatively affect Jack’s candidacy. One of the women Jack was having an affair with produces secret taped conversations of the pair to prove that the affair took place. After finding out that the tapes have been altered, Libby finds the man responsible for the tapes. Libby forces him at gunpoint to sign a letter admitting what he did so the public can see. The campaign team is shocked when â€Å"Big Willie†, Jack’s old friend tells Burton that his 16 year old daughter is pregnant and Jack is the father.They convince Big Willie to keep quiet on the issue. Jack’s team decides to take a different approach to the campaign since they are falling behind in the polls. Jack attacks his rival, Senator Lawrence Harris for being pro-Israel and also for wanting to cut Medicare. During a radio debate, Harris confronts Jack but has a heart attack. Harris later announces that he will be withdrawing from the presidential race. Fred Picker, a former governor of Florida and friend of Harris takes his place. Jack’s political advisors see Picker as a potential threat so they dig up nformation about his past. Henry and Libby discover that Picker had a cocaine addiction as Governor of Florida and it ultimately lead to the end of his first marriage. Henry and Libby also find out that Picker had a homosexual affair. They share their findings with Jack and his wife Susan not expecting them to use the potentially harmful information. Jack and Susan decide to leak the information to the press and Libby in turn threatens to tell about the affairs and reveal the real results of the paternity test that says his is the father of the 16 year girl’s baby.Libby is an emotional wreck and ca n’t believe what kind of people the Stanton’s really are. Libby can’t bear the fact that she has idealized them her whole life and they are not at all what she thought, she commits suicide. Filled with guilt after Libby’s death, Jack goes to Picker and presents all of the information and apologizes for everything. Picker willingly admits to his past and withdraws from the campaign. After everything, Henry is not happy being part of Jack’s team and is thinking about withdrawing from the campaign.Jack convinces Henry to stay and says they will make history together if he stays. Jack ultimately wins the election and becomes president of the United States. The class lecture reinforces what took place in this part of the film. Political advisors/consultants first seek out political candidates to work for just like in this particular film. When Henry tried to quit the campaign after realizing what type of person Jack really was, the Political Candidate w as the one who asked for help.Political candidates are seeking out political advisors/consultants because they can improve their chances of winning an election. This film is a fairly accurate portrayal of presidential candidate Bill Clinton in 1992. Clinton is essentially played by the Southern Governor Jack Stanton. Primary Colors provides an interesting insight on the scandals of Bill Clinton’s presidency. I find it interesting that these political candidates are fighting to be the leader of the nation and they use foul language and engage in questionable ethical behavior.Jack Stanton’s character who is running for president is a womanizer and resorts to Nixon style tactics. Jack believes that if the ends justify the means then it is okay. I can’t imagine a sequel to this movie for two reasons; the first one is the fact that the film is over 20 years old, and the second reason is the fact that neither Hillary nor Bill are in the public eye as much and Hillary Clinton did not win the presidential election. In my opinion, manipulation is the most important theme in this film; the political consultants manipulate the presidential campaign in favor of Jack Stanton.Since the film is closely centered on the 1992 Clinton campaign, I find it to be an accurate portrayal of campaign communication. A sense of charisma may be projected in a candidate’s image, most often through the communication of campaign discourse. Chapter four in our book states â€Å"A charismatic candidate may also be one who conveys a warm and friendly image, who seems genuine and personable, one who is comfortable speaking and who has the capacity t speak from his or her heart†. This definition fits Jack Stanton’s character to a tee. He seemed warm and genuine and he was extremely likeable.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mahayana Buddhism

Asian Behavior and Thought 10/16/12 Study Guide 7 – Mahayana Buddhism 1. What are the four sublime states? 1. Boundless love is related to friendliness. Buddhists cultivate love that is unconditioned and unlimited, based on the knowledge that all are one in the ocean of love. 2. Boundless compassion is the intense fellow feeling one should have for all living beings who suffer through pain, anxiety, ignorance and illusion. 3. Sympathetic joy- moves one to seek out happiness and prosperity of others and rejoice with them. . Equanimity – is the sense of nonattachment to self and to the world that the arhat achives by following the path of transformation and rooting out all desire and clinging. 2. What is Early Buddhism’s view of material well-being? Buddhist vision for society is the fundamental principle that all types of people are equal and that honor depends not on circumstances of birth but on moral and spiritual achievement?. ( is this the answer) 3. How does the ethical life of lay persons compare with that of monks and nuns?Lay people – There are many scriptures that spell out practical guidance and concrete disciplines for the good life. There are five percepts that leads the good life of compassion, love and fulfillment. 1st percept is the principle of nonviolence – concept expands not only to humans but also to animals. 2nd percept is not to steal – concept expands to avoild all forms of cheating, dishonest dealings to gain advantage over the others etc. 3rd percept is refrain from wrongful sexual relation – concept expands to be married and have sexual intercourse in the right way. th percept is refrain from wrongful speech that would cause others hatred, enmity, & dishmarmony. And 5th percept is refrain from drugs and liquor because it can cause breaking of other percepts. Monks and nuns – has to follow high level of detachment from those material, economic and social attachments that characteri ze life for lay people. They have 10 percepts. 1. Taking life, 2. Not stealing. 3. Sexual misconduct 4. Lying. 4. Drugs and liquor 5. Drugs and liquor 6. Earing after noon 7. Watching shows, singing and dancing 8. Using adornments of perfumes etc. 9.Sleeping in a high bed and 10. Handling gold or silver. 4. Outline an overview of the general spread of Buddhism through Asia. Theravada (ways of elders) came to be dominant in South Asia and South east Asia (especially in Srilanka). Mahayana (greater vehicle – one reaching the goal was being broadened to include others, even lay people) Buddhisim spreaded throughout the lands of East Asia ( monks and missionaries brought Buddhism to China than from China it spreaded to Vietnam, Korea and Japan). Vahrayana (diamond vehicle or tantrism) was accepted in Tibet and 1 Japanese Buddhist school. 5.How is Mahayana Buddhism distinguished from Early Buddhism. Mahayana discarded the narrower concept of the arhat as the one reaching the goal was being broadened to include others even laypeople. Al can be equally on the path toward achieveing Buddhahood While Theravada(early Buddhism) only focused on original teachings of the Buddha. 6. In Mahayana Buddhism what is a bodhisattva? Bodhisattva- being who is intent on becoming fully enlightened in Mahayana Buddhism, one who reaches enlightenment but vows to continvue rebirths in samsara to assist others. 7. How does the conception of Buddha change?The Mahayana group expanded the conception of who or what the Buddha is. They emphasized that Buddha is really the eternal power of the Dharma and that this Dharma body of Buddha is universal. Dharma body is the only real body of Buddha and it is ultimate reality. 8. What is the relation of nirvana to samsara? Nirvana is freedom from samsara and therefore, is a permanent, unconditioned state. Nirvana is not in any sense like God but Nirvana is a reality experienced within as it were a state of unconditioned freedom. 9What are the meaning of emptiness (shunyata) and â€Å"suchness† (tathata)?Emptiness is actually the common predicate of all dharmas. Emptiness means the absence of own being, where own being means something existing through its own power and having an immutable essence. So emptiness is really the same as the truth of dependent co-arising. Mahaynnists point out that not only are all conditioned dharmas empty but also the unconditioned reality of nirvana is empty. This leads to the idea that both Nirvana and samsara is empty there is no difference btw them. Suchness is seeing the world as it really is. Karuna – Buddhist ideal of compassionPure Land – focusing on worship of AMitabha Budhha, with hope of reincarnation pureland paradise. Amitabha – heavenly Buddha who presides over the pure land Buddha realm Chan – school of meditation Buddhism in China, Korea. Zen – important school of meditation Buddhism in japan Lotus Sutra – imp. Early scriptures ofMahayana Buddhism. Vajrajana – Damond Vehicle, tantric tradition of Buddhism especially in Tibet and Japan. Mandala – painting of cosmic Buddhas or a symbolice cosmos, used especially in Vajrayana Buddhist ritual and meditation. Dharma – teachings of budhha ependent co-arising (dependent origination) – central Buddhist teaching that everything is conditioned by something else, that all reality is interdependent. Three Bodies (Trikaya) – Dharma body – universal Buddha essence. Bliss Body – heavenly Buddhas and Transformation body – human manifestations of Buddha. Mahavairocana – great sun Buddha IITuesday, October 23. Tibetan Buddhism. In class video: The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche Read: Ch. 6: pp. 103, 106-108. Iyer Pico on the Dalai Lama (on Blackboard). [2nd ed. Ch. 6: 95, 98-100] 1. What are some of the special characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism?The religious specialists were the lamas. Tantric Buddhists act ively engage with their feelings, emotions and imagination. For example, during meditation they will imagine what it was like to be the Buddha in a certain place or time. 2. Based on Pico Iyer’s presentation, how would you describe the Dalai Lama? 3. What stands out most to you personally in Iyer’s presentation? Why? Lama – spiritual masters often thought to be living gods Dalai Lama – head of the Geluk Tibetain Buddhist school, traditionally recognized as spiritual and political leader of Tibetans.

Monday, July 29, 2019

American Revolution

American Revolution To what extent was the American Revolution caused by an ideological commitment to republicanism? There has been much debate surrounding the causes of the American Revolution. It has been a key debate amongst historians producing several schools of thoughts with conflicting interpretations of the revolution. They all place a different focus, some blaming short term issues while others trace the revolution back to a combination of factors. Fundamentally, no historical event can be fully explained by one single event or development. I hope to show that the American Revolution was a result of a long term process, its causes lie in the change in relationship between the American people and their English colonialists. Part of this process is the development of and commitment to a republican ideology. However such an ideology cannot be produced within a vacuum but is the result of an accumulation of social change triggered by certain grievances or objections to the existing order. On the o ne hand, it has been argued that the causes of the American Revolution lay in the political changes that came about after the 1760s. The materialisation of a considerable political ideology namely republicanism has been argued to have been the key force which propelled the American people into a revolution. Comparatively, Americans had previously been content and indeed loyal to the mother country and its monarchy. Steve D. Crow even labels Virginians as ‘royalists’ and proclaims that the majority of people had once ‘sided with the King’.[1] However this is not a view that lasted but one can trace the collapse of such a view from the 1760s and perhaps even earlier. Republicanism is the political embodiment of this very shift in belief toward the mother country. America went from it being primarily controlled by English colonialists to Americans demanding sovereignty, self government and freedom from English influence. Inspired by enlightenment writers such as John Locke the Republicans believed that a legitimate state authority should be derived only through consent of the governed.[2] Through such criteria, Britain was increasingly seen as corrupt, hostile and a threat to the liberties that Americans enjoyed. The greatest threat being ‘corruption’ as colonialists were seen as royal appointees not answerable to the people, causing unnecessary taxation and being part of an inherited aristocracy: This all against the ideals of republicanism.[3] Therefore, as the strength of republicanism greatened, with it augmented the breakdown of the relationship between the English and the Americans. Republicanism is indeed a key movement which combined a number of objections to the British, an organised movement that had not before existed. The nature of the movement most definitely spurred on masses of support and marked a departure from the acceptance of British rule. However, it is questionable whether this commitment to republicani sm was enough on its own to have caused the American Revolution. There are several causes that predate republicanism, these causes not as organised but certainly are key turning points in changing the attitude of the American people in favour of revolt against English control. However, the Neo-Conservative School of Thought would argue that the commitment to republicanism was indeed enough to cause the American Revolution. They place the main reason for the revolution in the ‘conservative act’ which took place as American tried to preserve a life they had started. The revolution was based upon certain ‘principle’ that they sought to protect.[4] These very principles were the foundation of the Republican agenda. Robert E Brown and Daniel J Boortsin write that the American people sought to ‘maintain the status quo’ through revolution. For example, the British imposed taxes to create capital after the French and Indian war even though it was contr adictory to the constitution. Neo-conservatives argue that the Americans rebelled against this as they were protecting their existing rights of no taxation without representation. Boortsin rights ‘the patriots more true followers of the British Constitution than the British themselves.’ A natural evolution if this desire to maintain and protect ‘principles’ can be argued to have been Republicanism. This is because, Republicanism sought to condemn the ‘corruption’ of the British rule and protect American rights which have been betrayed under British rule as it became clear that the British were seeking their interests. In a similar vein the Imperial School of Thought believes that it as also political issues namely constitutional issues that caused the revolution. Historians such as George L. Beer, Charles M. Andrew and Lawrence H. Gipson are not as negative about British rule as the Neo-Conservatives. Instead they highlight the prosperity exper ienced by colonies under British rule. As Andrews asserts the British protected ‘American goods and ships’. Gipson puts forward the case for taxation as being just as the British had made great sacrifices â€Å"defending the North American colonies in the Great War for Empires.†[5] Nevertheless, despite this positive view of British rule the Imperial School of Thought agree that ‘constitutional’ disagreements erupted between the two countries. As Americans sought self government the British in parallel pushed for more control. Thus, the British and the colonies clashed as the fought for different gaols. Therefore, these groups of historians favour a political explanation as the main cause of the American Revolution. In this light they may than agree that a commitment to the republican ideology was indeed the main cause of the American Revolution. However, by centring their explanation of the revolution upon political developments and clashes such his torians ignore other factors that were influential in creating a revolution. Others historians have brought forward the economic occurrences that in their opinion hold greater weighting when it comes to what they believe caused the American Revolution.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

New Media Audiences and Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

New Media Audiences and Technologies - Essay Example This part deals with some of the initial findings regarding new media and audiences as well as the challenges experienced. There are many studies done in relation to future relationships of audiences and the new media since they shift focus depending with the availability of new media. Because of this, the report aims to establish future trend and the challenges the audience will experience with the developments of new media. Therefore, the focus will be on the available literature in finding consistency of their study in relation to the area of study.In attempts to understand the evolution of new media and audiences, Napoli (2008) proposed evolution audience model that referred to the notion of the dominant framework used by the media stakeholders in conceptualizing audience evolution in response to changes in the environment. The environmental changes related to diversity in technology transformed the audience consumption and gathering information from different dimensions. The new technological changes in the media interact with one another as the developed new media affects the consumption and provides new means of gathering information. The study revealed causal relationships between the traditional declining exposure metrics and the emergence of a new audience behavior. From his study, it is clear that the entrance of new media technologies affects the audience consumption as it creates an environment for exploitation. Because of this, developments of new media affect the audiences’ ability to capture information.

Human communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human communication - Essay Example Alternatively, from a retailing perspective the need for businesses to be creative in order to adapt to the multi-channel marketplace has become well-recognized (Levy & Weitz, 2008). Indeed, leading industry body for global e-retailing IMRG estimates that currently a quarter of all UK shopping is undertaken online via the internet or other mobile devices within a market estimated at approximately  £80 billion according ( Signals of this prolific growth have been evident since 2003, which has resulted in a constant drive by retailers to introduce new delivery mechanisms to broaden customer reach (Diamond & Pinter, 2004). As such, this has seen a shifting approach in multi-channel retail strategy from bricks and mortar to multi-level formats including home shopping and mobile commerce (Levy & Weitz, 2008). It is submitted in this paper that the change in consumer behaviour, growth of media outlets and de-regulation of the media industry has created a seismic shift in co rporate strategy, which is underpinned by the media ecology theory. Leading sociologist George Caspar Homans is usually hailed as the central consolidator of social exchange theory works in his piece â€Å"Social Behaviour as Exchange† (1958). In general terms, the social exchange theory posits that social change and stability is a process of negotiated exchanges between parties (Homans, 1958). Moreover, the social exchange theory posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives (Gouldner, 1960). Homan gives the example of when a person perceives the cost of a relationship as outweighing the perceived benefits, the theory predicts that the person will depart from the relationship (Homans, 1958). Katherine Miller (2005) is a key opponent of the social exchange theory and argues that it reduces human interaction to purely rational process that arises from

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Expatriates in Bahrain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Expatriates in Bahrain - Essay Example The politicians in power use it more for personal gain and indulge in vote-bank politics. The visual media should persuade in inviting such people for having face to face interviews and group discussions, with the happenings telecast live on air for the public. Although it is common in some of the countries, it still has a role to play in questioning the integrity of politicians who need to perform consistently over a long period of time. For example, the Network 18 channel group organizes interviews called 'Devil's Advocate' in India with popular figures being questioned. Many countries should follow suit by interviewing politicians in their locale. Of late, many environmentalists are spreading awareness about the Greenhouse effect. The media should help them in reaching out to the public, informing them the statistics regarding pollution, power consumption, etc. There is a team called 'Action network' formed by BBC news corporation where people can get guidance on starting campaigns, and discuss with others who have the same interest. It is for this reason that in 2005, Action Network was awarded top position in the World Forum on eDemocracy's list, highlighting the 'Top Ten Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics'. Many News channels all over the world should be encouraged like this to initiate such activities of public welfare. The mass media should also help the Government in getting the views of the public. It should also help the law makers by bringing out facts of how criminals get unscathed through the holes in the law. This could happen only if media takes the responsibility in analyzing the case and bringing the results to the public. Media should also bring out valiant attempts like using Hidden cams in places of suspicion, in uncovering bribery, scandals, forgery and record the incidents that they are confronted with. This would help the Police realize, where they stand in terms of protecting the law and would also gain in convicting the law breakers by the evidences received through media. While media brings updated information from all parts of the world, it is imperative for it to make people realize their global position in the field of Science and Technology. News reports of electronic gadgets, industrial equipments and scientific tools and methodologies should help people to upgrade themselves with the changing world. Computerization was a big factor in the world's development and most of which was possible only through the influence of Media. Media does and should help people to know about the satellites, defense equipments, infrastructure and functioning of other countries so that collective efforts can be taken to make their own Government to have such means. Of course, the challenge is big for the media to achieve such a big task because of pressure from politicians, police and some other people. All said, the media should continue to strive in its efforts to ensure public welfare. The public in turn should help the media in achieving the common objective of changing the 'Face of the Nation'. Expatriates in Bahrain - An Asset or a Burden All that is good does not come cheap. This can be compared with the situation in Bahrain. I have read from the news reports that Bahrain, an isolated kingdom in the heart of Middle East has a rapidly growing

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pandemic Flu Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pandemic Flu Planning - Assignment Example In ensuring effective control, I will recommend the following steps whereby most of them are community-based strategies. The first step will encompass devising effective preparedness, response and containment policies intended to avoid further spreading of the pandemic in the region (Tae-Chang, Yasuhiro, Shingo, & Jung, 2009). Secondly, I will Isolate and administer antiviral medications to the people confirmed medically to have contracted the influenza disease. Isolation in this case may be in both hospitals and homes though the latter will be extremely complicated due to the pandemic’s nature of spreading (CDCP, 2007). Isolation will also encompass quarantine especially in homes or other social places whereby it hard to dismiss their members like congregational centers that normally house nuns, priests or other religious members. The other effective measure will encompass closure of schools together with advising their respective administration to take the ailing students to the hospital (Cannaday & Cox, 2008). In addition, there will be a will be a need to sensitize the entire public to avoid human contact as well as embrace good health, for instance, washing of hands with alcohol-based rub gel together with intake of fluids (, n.d). Some of the involved legal authorities in this mitigation process include, Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP), National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Virginia Department of Education and governor’s office. The latte’s core role is to declare the state of emergency based on the pandemic’s rate of spreading as well as compelling reluctant institutions to adhere to the mitigation policies. The success of this plan will depend on public’s level of compliance in adopting the stipulated measures. Entities involved in this category include employers and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Concept of learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept of learning - Essay Example By using metacognitive skills such as strategic thinking, the students have a better chance of being successful on a much wider variety of performance measures than by just using rote memorization. What is the Difference Between Learning and Performance Learning is the concept of gaining new information. Most students are naturally curious and have an affinity for learning. Performance, on the other hand is a demonstration of what has been learned, or is it? There are many students who learn, yet are not able to perform what they have actually learned. Many factors go into the issue of performance. Learning, as we know it in the classroom, takes a basic three step approach. Each concept must be presented orally, visually, and kinetically in order reach each student in a way that can be assimilated. For this reason, students are given many activities to perform while learning a new concept. Today’s children are much less auditorially oriented than their predecessors. They are n o longer will to sit and listen to boring lectures about vague concepts; children learn what they do. It is up to us, as educators, to make learning interesting and student focused. ( Shippey, 2010) The students of yesterday knew many facts; rote learning was the way education was done.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Information Technology in Business Organizations Essay

The Information Technology in Business Organizations - Essay Example TESCO is a multinational which has worked for many different things. Because of its existence in the market for many years, it has been seen that TESCO has been able to create a brand image which the customers love. â€Å"Tesco operates 923 stores and employs 240,000 people, giving us access to a population of 260 million across our nine markets. Over the past five years, we have expanded from our traditional UK supermarket base into new countries, products and services, including a major non-food business, personal finance and internet shopping. The increasing scale and internationalization of our sales and purchasing operations make a significant contribution to our efficiency and profitability, as we progress towards our long-term goal of becoming a truly international retailer† (Global Sources).Tesco is a company which has its ventures throughout the world. The revenue that it is able to generate from its retails has helped Tesco to grab the third position globally. Tesco started as a small grocery store in 1919 by Jack Cohen which turned out into a huge venture in 1924. Tesco opened its first store in Burn Oak, Edgware, Middlesex in the year 1929. In 1947, it was introduced into the London Stock Exchange and made public and this floatation started the great success story of Tesco plc which has now emerged as one of the tops most renowned supermarket chain is not just the United Kingdom but the entire world. The first supermarket under the name of Tesco was opened in 1956 in Maldon.... This section provides an overview about the efficiency of IT for Tesco’s overall operations and business strategies. The fourth section provides the results of the research carried out in order to study the implications of IT on Tesco’s business operations. This section also provides realistic measures and some recommendations to improve the current IT integration in company’s activities. The last section provides a brief conclusion about the report findings and summarizes the main points of the report. This section gives an independent opinion generated from the information collected. It provides a personal opinion about the alignment techniques of Tesco and summarizes the impact of IT on Tesco’s overall efficiency in terms of operations, performance and stakeholders’ satisfaction. Tesco Supermarket TESCO is a multinational which has worked for many different things. Because of its existence in the market for many years it has been seen that TESCO has been able to create a brand image which the customers love. â€Å"Tesco operates 923 stores and employs 240,000 people, giving us access to a population of 260 million across our nine markets. Over the past five years, we have expanded from our traditional UK supermarket base into new countries, products and services, including a major non-food business, personal finance and internet shopping. The increasing scale and internationalization of our sales and purchasing operations makes a significant contribution to our efficiency and profitability, as we progress towards our long-term goal of becoming a truly international retailer† (Global Sources). Tesco is a company which has its ventures throughout the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Casestudy Deepwater Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Casestudy Deepwater - Essay Example Based on a report by the National Commission regarding the oil spill on 5th January 2011, it was discovered that these three organizations made an attempt to work much more cheaply; this triggered the onset of the explosion and thus ensuing leakage. â€Å"Whether intended or not, majority of the decisions made by BP, Halliburton, and Transocean escalated the threat of the Macondo blowout while simultaneously saving them plenty of time and money.†The government along with many other organizations in charge of the case tried to get to figure out the truth about who is really to blame. All the above mentioned organizations, BP, Halliburton, and Transocean should indeed be held accountable for the Deepwater Oil Spill accident. Supposedly, it was not intentional. However, there were severe consequences as a result and all three had an active role to play in it. Earlier on, BP released a statement stating that, even prior to the completion of the investigation by the commission, BP had incorporated substantial and adequate changes designed to enhance safety as well as risk management. To this, Transocean responded by blaming BP for arriving at decisions before the actual occurrence of the explosion and the government officials for conceding the decisions. According to Halliburton’s report, it was merely executing the orders of BP when it actually injected the cement into the well’s wall. It went further to criticize BP for its undeniable failure to carry out a cement bond log test. Precisely, BP was accused of nine flaws. In my opinion, they should all be held responsible for the incident because each had a role to lay in it. The penalty should vary based on the magnitude of one’s shortcomings though. In my opinion, there is nothing more important than safety. Safety helps to keep individuals alive and healthy. In every organization, each operation or process should only be carried out in the event that safety is ascertained. For business, the issue of safety

Scholarly Writing Essay Example for Free

Scholarly Writing Essay With reference to the given text, the author insists that over the years of modern technology, computers are now impacting peoples’ lives tremendously. Computers are used for businesses and education purposes and there is no longer a question about whether it is affordable or not. A first point of analysis demonstrates that the author lacks display of scholarly writing. The written paragraph does not display thorough research and he does not use supporting evidence within his text. After reading the paragraph, I am unclear as to whether the author is giving his opinions or if he has findings within a research. The authors opinions also seem to be biased which is not an element of scholarly writing. As discussed in the HUMN 8000 course study notes, (Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Purpose, Audience, and Evidence), the key tasks as a scholarly writer is to show that what you have written is true and that you know what you’re talking about. He has provided the audience with personal views and judgment as speaks about poor people. He also uses the slang term â€Å"plugged in† and within scholarly writing, you must use proper choice of words which he did not. The author also lacks presenting this information in a clear and concise way, where it is straightforward for the audience to follow and understand. The author’s only strength in terms of scholarly writing is displayed as he discusses the importance of computers and how it is conducted in our everyday lives. The author makes reference to a source that he researched, Business Week, 2001. This article lacks quality of evidence for the mere fact that it is not up to date. Some comparison could have been made to modern technologies related to computers, for instance laptops or other devices. Lastly, the information presented that more than 80% of all high school students were â€Å"plugged in†, does not give a concise representation of the remainder population. The author speaks of many people not being able to afford a computer and also generally references poor people. As a reader, I am unsure of what the remainder population represents. References Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Purpose, Audience, and Evidence. (2012). Laureate education, Inc. {Study Notes} Retrieved from https://class. waldenu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/USW1/201410_17/MS_HUMN/HUMN_8000/artifacts/Week_2_Citing_a_Discussion_Posting_and_Course_Study_Notes. pdf Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Tips for effective online composition and communication [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why I Study Biology Essay Example for Free

Why I Study Biology Essay Biology is fascinating in itself. It teaches us all the ways of life not just from a mankind perspective but through all living things, whether, human species, plants etc. I personally study biology because I want to discover the creation and functions of all living things in the world. Being a Psychology major means studying the mind and in order to better understand the human mind, you have to know the basics in the ways of life and how to incorporate the science of human nature into why people react to life differently, culture, religion, politics, etc. All of these factors are taken into consideration into Biology. This semester was extremely challenging for me, and there were a lot of factors that contributed to my inability to study as hard as I know I am cable of. Had my first child this year, was abandoned by my son’s father to raise my son by myself. To make matters worse, I had some medical complications with my health. I was diagnosed with a Pulmonary Embolism. This news was devastating to me. I was hospitalize for a long time and was so depressed. With all of my problems at hand I had to go to work and work 40 hours a week just so I could support me and my son. With all of these devastating experiences in my life, studying seemed impossible to accomplish the way I wanted to. I was constantly in and out of the hospital, worried about my health and trying to get well. Today I am still recovering and believing that God will bring me peace and happiness in me and my son’s life. Some things I could have done better in studying would be that I could have taken my studies to work with me and studied on my lunch. I never did this because I only had an hour to get lunch and eat and I always thought that if I did this I would end of being late coming back from lunch. Another thing I believe would have helped me study better this semester is a strong support team. I did not have many people to help me like I needed. If I had someone to assist me while I studied I could have been a lot more successful. Instead I had to study and care for my son and that was difficult. Finally, when I think about my future in continuing with my courses, I know that I have to study even when I am tired. One bad habit that I had was when my son was sound asleep; I would try to get a few hours asleep as well so that I could be rested for work the next day. One thing I could have done to help me be more successful is to push myself just a little harder, and I ultimately believe I did not push myself to the max because I was so concerned about my health and stress was a trigger for me to feel sickly and I was so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. What I hope to accomplish in the future is to be successful in my studies and to obtain my BA in Psychology and get my master’s as well. I have learned one thing through everything that I have been through. I reasoned with life from this analogy, life is like a game of baseball, anything that life pitches at you, it is you that have to ready to swing at any time. Whether it’s a fast ball, trick ball or curve ball, you have to prepare yourself for victory. If your just focus getting a home run, whether you struggle getting there or not, what matters is that you give your best to win.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Brand Nokia Influences On Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Marketing Essay

How Brand Nokia Influences On Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Marketing Essay 1.0 Introduction People live in the globe dominated by super brand however, the term brand which has sometime wrong definition and misunderstood by the consumer. Brand correspond in the form of logo, letter headed paper, graphic representations, critical thinking and attractive colour combination, signs and symbols, slogan that is common belief to everyone ( A brand is symbol and sign, name or product, service, concept or logo that distinguishes to identify and expressed a specific business or company, product, service which can be usually communicated to market to increase the consumer. According to the Business and Management of Dictionary, a brand is a name, sign or symbol used to identify items or services of the seller(s) and to differentiate them from goods of competitors. One of the most popular advertising companies Walter Landor said that basically, a brand just like a promise that associating and demonstrating a service or product which delivers a promise of sat isfaction and better quality ( In addition, when an organization or company creates a colour full new logo or name for a particular products or service to introduce the competitive market, a brand has been developed or formed. On the other hand, Brand is protected by registering trademark or service mark from an authorized company, specially a government, so that organizations or parties have no permission to use same particular logo or name. It is tremendous effective elements of advertising to market for a company. It is represented of goods or services on behalf of brand owner are offering in the marketplace. Consumer behaviour is important value added to buy a brand product or services to justify the quality, price, colour and existence. In the market place branded products always high price and better quality such as Motorola, Samsung, than non branded product such as Chinese mobile. Customer may look or intention to buy quality, expensive bra nded product to evaluate of the reputation of the brand. It is very important of brand owner for company success, increase profit margin and spread reputation by giving better service, better quality product to keep the costumer. 2.0 Research Objectives The objectives of this research are as below: To examine the factors that influences the consumers to shift towards Nokia Brand. To Build new business strategy for the all level consumer. To use effective advertise to the target group(consumer) that will most be interested to consumer To study and establish a theory that, how Brand Influences consumers to purchases than retail store. To create a major selling idea for different consumer that Use the brand, the feeling get good to consumer. 3.0 Literature Review 3.1 Brand A brand is a symbol and symbols, names, or product, service or logo to identify the concept and is different with a specific business or company, product, service, which can normally be communicated to the market to increase to the consumer. Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and are almost always unique among competitive brands. Brand image can of brand communications such as packaging to be strengthened, advertising, promotion, customer service and other aspects of the brand ( Brand is the identity of the companys product, brand is very important. it brings popularity for enterprise product as well as fame, prestige, respect. Nowadays business competitive There are several brands on the market, everyone has their identity, make their mark. For example: I have new Wrangler jeans from a store, look good and I will share with my friends bought. Of course they ask me what the brand was. What is important here, the jeans brand, because the jeans, wrangler get the particular shop. The brand is very important to purchase an influence on consumers. ( 3.2 Attributes of strong brands -Excels at delivering deigned benefits -Stage relevant -Priced to meet perceptions of value -Well designed brand hierarchy -Positioned properly 3.3 The Role of Brands -Identify the maker -Simplify products holding -Organize accounting -Offer legal production -Signify quality -Creates barriers to entry 3.4 Types of Brand Marketing theory suggests that there are three types of brand names: Family brand Individual brand Combination brand In this paper I will go to Individual brand names which I selected Nokia, how it is it influences consumer to purchases. ( logo.gif ( 3.5 Nokia Brand Nokias first century began with Fredrik Idestam paper mill on the banks of the river Nokianvirta. Between 1865 and 1967, the company would become a major industrial power, but it took a merger with a cable company and a rubber company focused on the new Nokia Corporation is set on the way to electronics. ( Nokia is engaged in the manufacture of mobile devices and in converging Internet and communications industries with over 123,000 employees in 120 countries, sales in over 150 countries worldwide and annual sales of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 41,000,000,000 and operating profit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 1,200,000,000 in 2009. It is the worlds largest manufacturer of mobile phones. Its global device market share was about 39% in 2009, compared to 37% in 2008 and 38% in 2009, and its converged device market share was about 40% in 2008, compared to 35% in the year 2009. Nokia produces mobile devices for all major market segment and protocol, including GSM, CDMA and W-CDMA (UMTS). Nokia provides Internet services such as applications, games, music, cards, media and messaging platform with its Ovi ( 3.6 Nokia in Bangladesh Nokia is the worlds leading mobile phone supplier and a leading provider of mobile and fixed telecom networks including related customer service. When Nokia introduced into the market of Bangladesh, it was considered the largest market in the emerging markets in South Asia. Bangladesh has already become an attractive market for mobile phones with a user base of more than 10 million, and by the end of 2006, this figure is expected to cross 15 million. Nokia officials estimate that in addition to Bangladeshi market, the company is a healthy growth in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives in the coming days have. ( Nokia market share 56.89% in Asia Bangladesh (March 2010)e 56.89% in Asia Bangladesh (March 2010) ( 3.7 Consumer Behaviour Consumer behaviour concern the psychological processes that consumers go finished his/her needs, and normally find the way to work out these needs and make decision to purchase. For example: whether to buy a product, and if so, what brand and where information about interpret, make plans and implement these plans by comparing the offers, or actually buying a product ( 3.8 Sources of influence on the consumer There the many sources which influence the consumer behaviour. The below figure shows how many sources influences to consumer:    Influences on Consumer Behavior ( Social factors also influence consumer behaviour Cultural influences consumer behaviour Digital Revolution influences on Consumer Behaviour E-Shopping influences on consumer Behaviour 3.9 Decision making The five models imply that the customers can buy from each of five stages. However, for more workaday buy decision, the consumer may modify or delete some of the present. The first one is problem recognition The second step is information search The third step involves evaluation of alternatives Finally, the purchase stage, and post-purchase evolution buying_decision_process ( 3.10 Problem Recognition A product to buy is customer need recognition occurs when an individual senses a difference between what the consumer seems to be the ideal and the actual state of affairs. A consumer intended to buy things when they think the quality of a product to solve a problem, makes the recognition of the step on the sale of a product. Bad recognition sometimes recognized as a problem. For example, the car is always difficult to start and the acceleration is not good. ( 3.11 Information Search Consumers to search for information in order to satisfy their unmet needs. Find inner can, bring knowledge from memory or external, it can, collecting data from their peers, family, and the marketplace. The efficient search for keywords such as social class, income, and size of purchase, the experience and perception determines ( 3.12 Evaluation of alternatives The next stage of the consumer decision process shall consider alternatives in the search identified at this stage, consumers are looking for answers to questions like, what are my options? And which is best? When they compare, contrast and select from different products or services. Consumers compare what they know about different products and brands, what to do with the key and begin to resolve in the area of narrow alternatives before finally considering buying one of them. It evaluates specific model to a set of attributes they used to put together, including safety, reliability, price, warranty, and the number of cup holders is based. It also considers how he felt things like property and assesses the use of the phone and where he might buy the phone, a comparison of the various traders and the atmosphere everyone sees. Although he feels some pressure to make decision, he has access to his fathers cell phone. ( Untitled.jpg 3.13 Purchase Behaviour Purchase is the third steps on Consumer Behaviours. After the decision to buy or not buy, he draws two stages. First, consumers choose one vendor over another vendor. Second, decisions concerning saving, by the seller, item displays, convinced media, paper and advertising. Under the plan, the consumer thinks of a particular article or brand to buy. But sometimes, but otherwise buy what they think, in the case of what to purchase during the purchase or the choice of the stage. A consumer prefers a retailer, but selects another in the event of a sale, promotional event, hour, place and problem of traffic. Fox buying products, it is important to examine the consumer motivation and to achieve this goal, easily use means-end chain. ( The Means-End Chain: Consider a logical continuation of the consequences of product usage, which ultimately lead to the wanted end benefit. For example, Consumers will see a car with a big engine, resulting in rapid acceleration, resulting in a feeling of power, leading to a feeling of power, which will ultimately increase consumer self-esteem. ( 3.14 Post-purchase Post-purchase behaviour of consumers includes all the activities and experiences that following the purchase. Normally, after a purchase, consumers experience dissonance after purchase. Regret In other words, they make their purchase decision. The reasons for high dissonance after the purchase can be dispensed with the attractiveness and performance of the alternatives, be difficult to purchase, and large number of alternatives. ( 4.0 Research Methodology A research design is the general plan, as we do about the answer to our question (s). (Saunders et al 2007) Usually it is threefold: exploratory, descriptive and explanatory (Philip Lewis et al 2007). The nature of our study is exploratory study is a valuable tool to find out what happened, to seek new insights, to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light (Robson, 2002, p59). There are three main ways of implementing our exploratory research. A search of the literature: some academic journal papers on computers networks. Interviewing experts in the subject. Conducting focus group interviews. There are three major ways of thinking about research philosophy: epistemology, ontology and axiology. Each provides important diversification is that the way you think influence on research. (Thorn hill et al., 2007) 4.1 Types of Research Methodology There are two approaches to deductive test theory and inductive theory-building. In deductive research, is a theory developed to explain the hypothesis, research design constructed and tested the hypothesis proved or disproved, and presented the findings as objective reality or laws. The process tends to be associated with the positivist approach in conjunction (Saunders et al., 2007). On the other hand, is the first data collected and analyzed in inductive research. A theory is how the data analysis is developed. This process tends to be associated with the interpretive approach in conjunction (Saunders et al., 2007). 4.2 Deductive approach My proposal is deductive research. Here we have set up a hypothesis. We construct a research design, hypothesis will be tested by an improved statistical method for the collection of data by interview method and the results will be entered with regard to the interpretation. Research method is a systematic and orderly approach to the collection and analysis of data acquired, so that information from these data (Jankowicz, 2005:209) can be obtained. Mentioned among the different methods of research by several authors, some general surveys, experiments, secondary data, observation techniques, grounded theory, action research and ethnography (Sigmund, 1997 and Saunders et al.2007). For the planned research of the scientists, the survey interview, characterized as the most appropriate. 5.0 Data Collection Method Research data are divided into two groups and these are primary and secondary data. For conducting any research data, both the groups are important, but is on the basis of strategy research focusing on specific data group presented. 5.1 Primary Data Primary data is data that is collected specifically for a particular research project for the first time (Maylor and Blackmon, 2005). The primary research can be qualitative, quantitative or both. In my thesis I will present the original data by using the collection of questions and interviews. 5.1.1 Interview It can be taken by individual or by a group. I take the consumer interview that buy Nokia product and interviews that Nokia does not use fire. I think the interviews I will answer directly from the customers. 5.1.2 Questionnaires It is the most popular way of gathering information. It would need an open and close both. The advantage of the questionnaire, I can collect the data by all or a sample of people. 5.1.3 Main sample Sampling is the small proportion of the population in this thesis topic, my example will be the customers of Nokia, employees and managers from Nokia, Nokias competitors, Nokia and age wise user. 5.2 Secondary Data According to Collis and Hussey secondary data on the collection of data from previous studies or studies conducted or done to or gathered by other researchers (Collis Hussey, 2003). Therefore, secondary data from the literature or in documents such as academic research papers can be collected, corporate annual reports, statistics, published advertisements, and statements. In my thesis I will use some relevant books, journals, articles and previous research at the University of Wales Library have available through various books, to have a clear idea about the subject. I will use the Internet as information, articles and magazines. . Magazines are comparatively contains several new concepts and ideas, and up to date information. In my dissertation, I will for literature research and secondary data analysis of the relationship between brand and consumer, brand influences the buying behaviour of consumers, Brad and retention, critical evaluation of the classical theories of brand influences on the attitudes of consumers to purchase used. (, p-123) For any research or any query, if I have the onion diagram it is easy for me to follow my dissertation done in time. 7.0 Limitations There are no available resources for this research. The Nokia brand in Bangladesh market place is too far from here to gather information to effectively complete the research proposal. There are some restrictions on such research, such as: Limited study had been done earlier. Lack of data and information available for research. Lack of consumer behaviour tools through survey. Lack of ration analysis Nokia and non brand Nokia user. 8.0 Time Scale 9.0 Conclusion In Conclusion, this research paper proposed how Brand Nokia influences to consumer purchases behaviour. In my dissertation I will identify some factors that Brand Nokia influences on the customers attitude towards purchase and to establish a theory regarding the business interface and also consumer attitude for purchase. And from this research methodology I will use a Deductive analysis where the data were collected by distributing questionnaire, interview and testing towards the people of Bangladesh Marketplace. In my dissertation, I will also focus comparison between Nokia and other band such as: LG, Sony Ericsson, and Samsung; on consumer purchasing behaviour. This proposal has some limitation and some incomplete information because I did not spend more time and more market survey in different segment towards consumer purchase behaviour on brand product Nokia. Finally, in my dissertation I will give more effective information and add consumer true feelings and give proper informat ion about their preferences, intention, about the product and Understanding their attitude, motivation.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Chivalry??. . . . . . . . . Today?? :: essays research papers

Chivalry is usually known as a moral system or an honor code. It originated in the 12th century when kings ruled the country, as a code to make peace. Now there is no king or queen monarchy, now there’s that wonderful thing that we call the Government. If you were to ask me if chivalry existed today I’d have to say that there are some examples, but there sure aren’t as many as there used to be. Back in the time when King Arthur ruled a lot of the people were loyal to their king and their country. Now our wonderful crime, racism, and hate conquer all systems. Some ways that you might be able to say that chivalry still is around is perhaps clubs, such as, basketball teams or baseball teams. The teams as well as the fans have great loyalty to their team. The fans will wait outside for days to get tickets for the big game. People pay to see fights on Pay-Per-View. And if you ever go to a Hawks game I’ll guarantee you that their fans will â€Å"tell off† anyone that is saying anything bad about their beloved team!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also another way that you would see chivalry today is in corporate businesses. For example, I work or 21st Century Telecom Inc. I do Technical Support. Anything that goes wrong with your Internet access or your e-mail devices, will be fixed by me. We are in a very corporate area, State and VanBuren, and when we have meetings about things that no one can tell the media, or other companies, such as mergers or special events. It seems that no one ever says anything negative. We are very dedicated to our job and sometimes you will catch one of our Administrators sleeping here over-night. Now if that isn’t dedication to your job, I don’t know what is!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another way that you could find chivalry today would be all the Unions. Chicago Unions have plenty of hard working men and women in all sorts of trades. They are very loyal and proud (most of them!) of their work that they have done. Then you get the people that just want their paycheck. Those are the types that really don’t show much loyalty or contribute much to their job.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some ways that you could say that there is not really chivalry in today’s society is the slowly disintegrating church.

Treatise on Happiness by St. Thomas Aquinas Essay -- Treatise on Happi

In the history of the western world, few men have made a greater impact on humanity’s learning that Thomas of Aquino. Having written dozens of different publications, including his famous Summa Theologià ¦, on subjects varying from the angels to philosophy; from law to theology, Thomas has secured himself a permanent place in academic history. Although never writing directly on the subject, Thomas also influenced the field of ethics, especially through his â€Å"Treatise on Happiness,† which are found within his Summa. In these treatises, Thomas details the nature of happiness, and how happiness is obtained. In the field of ethics, this work is important because it embraces the Aristotelian ideal how a happy person is just, or ethical. Thomas embraces the ideas of Aristotle throughout his work, and goes on to comment on, and Christianize many of Aristotle’s original ideas, including how happiness affects our senses and faculties. One of the most interesting dev elopments in the â€Å"Treatises on Happiness† is the combination of the concepts of Aristotelian happiness, found in Nicomachean Ethics, and Augustinian idea that happiness is not available in this life. In this essay, I will highlight the importance of Thomas’ â€Å"Treatise on Happiness,† and recognize its importance in the context of philosophers who preceded Thomas, namely Aristotle. Before proceeding, it is important to recognize how Thomas defines happiness, and how this is contrasted with those philosophers who predated him. Aristotle wrote extensively on happiness in his Nicomachean Ethics, and argued that: â€Å"happiness is an exercise of the vital faculties in accordance with perfect virtue or excellence,† . In this, Aristotle means that happiness is the use of man’s reason, will... ... be used to practically move towards happiness. Works Cited Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics, Translated by F.H. Peters, M.A. 5th ed. London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co., 1893. Accessed November 22, 2014. Challoner, Richard., ed. The Douay-Rheims Bible. Douay: Kellah, 1750. Accessed November 22, 2014. DeYoung, Rebecca Konyndyk, Colleen McCluskey, and Christian Van Dyke. Aquinas’s Ethics. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009. Plato. The Republic, Translated by B. Jowett, M.A. 3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888. Accessed November 22, 2014. Thomas. Summa Theologià ¦, Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. New York: Benziger Bros., 1947. Accessed November 22, 2014.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Manet’s Advertisement An understanding of Vue de l’Exposition Universel

An understanding of Vue de l’Exposition Universelle, Paris 1867 â€Å"Manet a toujours reconnu le talent là   oà ¹ il se trouve et n’a prà ©tendu ni renverser une ancienne peinture ni en crà ©er une nouvelle. Il a cherchà © simplement à   à ªtre lui-mà ªme et non un autre.† Edouard Manet, Motifs d’une exposition particulià ¨re, May 1867 (in Courthion: 139) Manet is a transitional painter, emerging from the realism of the early to mid nineteenth century and a precursor to — included in by some authors — the impressionist movement. The public’s fascination with his work is remarkable. But, as much as his work is appreciated today, he has been criticized and misunderstood by his contemporaries. His radical explorations in composition and representation made him an easy target for unfavorable critics. He has been accused of leaving his paintings unfinished, of not being able to compose, of lack of imagination and even of vulgarity (Hanson, Howard, Mainardi, others). His position as part of the â€Å"tribe of eccentrics† (Chesneau q. in Mainardi: 109) has kept Manet out of the conservative catalog of the Fine Arts section of the Exposition Universelle of 1867 in Paris. Since, in the artist’s words, â€Å"montrer est la question vitale, le sine qua non pour l’artiste† (in Courthion: 140), he was forced to prepare his own show to display his work to the very important public brought to Paris by the world fair. So, he and Courbet borrowed money and set up on the Place de l’Alma, right on the path leading from the Salon at the Place de l’Industrie to the Exposition Universelle on the Champ de Mars (Mainardi: 109). It is in this ambiance of optimistic defiance that Manet produced Vue de l’Exposition Universelle, Paris 1867 , his illustration of the fair. ... Levin Associates, 1988 Hanson, Anne Coffin. Manet and the Modern Tradition. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 1977 Howard, Seymour. â€Å"Early Manet and Artful Error: Foundations of Anti-Illusion in Modern Painting† in Art Journal. New York: College Art Association of America. Vol. 37, Fall 1977: 14-21 L’Exposition universelle de 1867: guide de l’exposant et du visiteur, avec les documents officiels, un plan et une vue de l’Exposition. Paris: Exposition universelle de 1867, 1866 L’illustration. 6 Avril 1867 Mainardi, Patricia. â€Å"Edouard Manet’s ‘View of the Universal Exposition of 1867’† in Arts Magazine. 54(5), January 1980: 108-115 Reff, Theodore, ed. Manet and modern Paris: one hundred paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs by Manet and his contemporaries. Washington: National Gallery of Art, 1982 The Illustrated London News. 6 July, 1867

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Inequality: Education and High Income

There are gaps between the rich and poor. The world has income inequality, inequality of opportunity such as education, and environmental inequality. In Toni Cade Bambara’s short story, â€Å"The Lesson† she talks about social status and economic inequality. Most people do not have the same equal opportunities to be successful because of numerous social issues. The main social issue that Bambara wrote about in her short story is economic inequality is a big social issue in society. But this social issue inspires people to make a change and not keep repeating the cycle. Why does economic inequality exist? What causes inequality of opportunity? This paper seeks to define these questions and how it is important in society and its impact. To fix the main cause of inequality it must be taken care of early on in a child’s education. People that do not have a high income should be more supportive of programs that effectively involve, low-income students in school, and programs such as Head Start. These different types of programs in a child’s life can provide students with an early start in school and decrease privileged students. Tackling and fixing these problems from an early start is a primary solution that can create a small effect of great outcomes to solve the problem of educational disparities at the root of the cause. People can solve these types of problems in society as a community. People must change their mindset and actually support and work together for a better educational system. It is hopeless to try to create a change without first changing and questioning the way society thinks and functions. The way the educational department is established is not providing the results it should be having with students, and the way it is designed is not benefiting students equally, in fact, it is leaving many students behind. It is only by changing the way the education system functions that the people can create a better system more suited to improving the learning conditions among everyone equally. There are many reasons why inequality can be caused in society. It is caused by a person’s skin color, or the simple fact a person’s growth in overall income. Inequality is caused by just being born into. For example, if a person is born into a family that has wealth and assets they basically got a head start, verses someone that is born into a low income home. Families with wealth can pay for better education for their children which will open opportunities for them. On the other hand, people hat are born into a disadvantage home that cannot afford better education will most likely stay with a disadvantage. Education makes a difference whether a person has a high paying or low paying job. In Bambara’s short story â€Å"The Lesson† Sugar says â€Å"this is not much a democracy if you ask me. Equal chance to purse happiness means an equal crack at the dough† (Bambara, 362). Sugar expresses that people with high income buys toys that cost more than th eir home income. The people that can afford toys that cost $300-$1,000 obviously have a good job which came from a good education. But if schools in low income communities do not educate like schools in high income communities, the low income schools do not have the same opportunities as the high income schools. Sounds like environmental inequality. People get what their environment hands them, which is bad education, low paying jobs and small income. Equal opportunity is a law that all people should be treated the same. It is not an equal opportunity if a person cannot go to a better school to get a better education to make a better income because they do not have enough money for that better school. Inequality of outcomes often goes hand in hand with inequality of opportunities, as poor people endure various forms of social exclusion, including unequal access to education and health care, high rates of youth unemployment of precarious work and an absence of social recognition. † (F Bourguignon) They say important jobs go to people most qualified, which is reasonable but if a person with a high income cou ld afford a better education that a person that could not afford a better education the job would automatically go to the person with the higher income. Does not seem fair, and it is probably hard to break that cycle. Economic inequality is a big social issue in society. Economic inequality is known as the gap between rich and poor, income inequality, and wealth differences. There are many reasons why inequality is caused such as, educational issues, skin color, or even wealth. Nevertheless, inequality does make people want to change. In Toni Cade Bambara’s short story, â€Å"The Lesson†, she expresses about a social problem in the world called economic inequality.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Growing Up Jewish

My work is Asher Lev is a novel written by Chaim Potok, an American rabbi who narrates Ashers early tone, the scraps he faces when attempting to absorb his estrus and c ar dep machinationedr-drawing and painting. His start out disapproves of his art of drawing. Beca hold of goods and services of his assiduity on the art, he becomes averse to nurture, which makes his completelyiance members to feel ashamed of him.Potok remained an active creative person/writer until his death in 2002.The Hasidism holiness does non consider the second teaching against graphic arts beca example art be presbyopics to the otherwise side. As Asher grows older, he learns to control his emotions in relation to his paintings and concentrate more on his art that he becomes successful.The take hold ends when Asher is cardinal years old. The plot against America is a policy-making novel written by Philip Roth. The book explains how America has become fascisticic post-1935 era and Hitlers allies argon in control of the white syndicate. There is complete chaos in America because of gist politics and hatred. Gangs go somewhat harassing mess.The middle-class Jews of Weequahic, in Newark, try to learn how to use a gun to defend themselves in an apart custodyt. America and the rest of Europe are taken over by fascist movements and imitators of Adolf Hitler and Mussolini.Both Asher and Phillip face challenges that are mainly uncorrelated to their lives.Their geographical location and the surrounding familiarity determines the challenges each one of them faces. Asher and Philip face challenges that are to a certain extent unrelated. For instance, Asher is innate(p) in a conservative spectral community-all the members surrounding him expects him to adhere to the Jewish spiritual belief and customs.His father is opposed to his art terming it anti-religious eyepatch Philip grows up in a quite a liberal community that does not dress much emphasis on theology and cultu re. His major challenges stem from outside his community. In My shout is Asher Levi, During Ashers childhood, his artistic inclination brings him into dispute with the members of his Jewish community, considers art unrelated to religious expression to be at scoop up a waste of time and by chance a sacrilege.It brings him into particularly strong divergence with his father, a man who has devoted his emotional state to serving their attracter, the Rebbe, by traveling around the world bringing the teachings and practice of their sect to other Jews, and who is by nature incompetent of understanding or appreciating art (Knopf, 2003). plot in The Plot against America, Hitlers allies govern the White House. Anti-Semitic mobs roam the streets. The lower-middle-class Jews of Weequahic, in Newark, N.J., cower in a second-floor apartment, trying to figure out how to use a gun to defend themselves. (You pulla the trig, a kindly neighbor explains) (Berman Web).In My Name Is Asher, Asher has to plow with a theology that is obligate on him. His graphic art is not in line with his communitys expectations. He faces the challenge of proving to his community that his art is not bad to his religion. As he grows older the passage of arms betwixt him and his community increases.As he matures, he learns control his emotions. Though he sometimes identified himself as religious, he took on a more blue path. He had to make a resource between his art and the Jewish religion. He chose the art over his Jewish religion. As Asher grew older, he resolved to portray his challenges through and through paintings. He portrays his mothers suffering through Christian art. Asher shows in his book that a sense of balance can be struck between religion and art.Religion help try art. Religious figures can be depict through art. For Philip political challenges affect him different Levs that are religious Philip has to deal with the issue of fascists taking control of his country. It supports people to worship.Philip Roth finds his father powerless in dealing with the normal of his country by fascists. His community members are disgruntled about his career, but he has no way of helping them.Philip has to deal with anti-Semitism that was propagated by the fascists, America has gone fascist and ordinary life has been shape under a steamroller of internal politics and mass hatreds. Hitlers allies rule the White House. Anti-Semitic mobs roam the streets (Davenport Web).Religious standstill does not parry one from achieving their goal.They must(prenominal) focus on achieving and perfecting what they aspire. Levi does not get out his Jewish religion and culture to hinder him from pursuing his career of art. Lev learns to do things that he loves most. He pursues a career in painting at the expense of education and religion. As he grows older, he succeeds in art. Success comes after much difference and endurance. Lev became successful after practicing for a lo ng time. He as well was patient and abide of his communitys opposition towards his career in painting.Lev also learnt that it is a mistake to separate religion from freethinking, humanism, and development. Development has always been practiced on base religion. In other words, religion does encourage development of the community. In The Plot against America, Philip learns that the shoot for glory makes fascists to invade other countries.They use the army, police, and gangs to achieve their goals.Fascist leaders control all aspects of the people under their control. They control sparing life, religious life, social life, and economic life of the citizens. Fascists use intimidation, threats, arrests, and killings to control and subdue the people they lead.They do not allow whatever dissenting views from the people under their control.In Asher Levs book My Name Is Asher Lev, he speaks on disparity base on religion, culture, and secularism. His community discriminates him becaus e of his passion on graphical art. The community tells him that art is against the Jewish religion and culture.However, on prop on onto his talent and career of painting, he succeeds. He did not allow the variant of his community deter him from doing what he treasured most-art.Philip Roth, on the other hand, faces the challenge of a fascist leader imposing his political beliefs on to his country- America. He too is discriminated against based on his skin color and religion.His Jewish community in America begins to inculcate themselves how to use a gun so they can defend themselves. The fascist leader unleashes the gang to terrorize them the Jews in America. Hitlers men introduce fascism in the white house and the whole country-America.Works CitedBerman, Paul. The Plot Against America. The New York Times, 3 Oct. 2004.Davenport, Guy.Collision with the outside world. The New York Times, 16 April 1972. Potok, Chaim. My Name Is Asher Lev. Knopf 2003.

Effects of Mass Media

During the last century in that respect have been many developments in the evolution of media. The biggest likely being computers and the internet. Computers used to be just giant, chunky, boxes with a sift, a keyboard, and a mouse. They were black as a snail and the graphics were not of the best quality. at a time a days, we have slim and sleek screens that heap be completely touch censored, and voice typing. As easily as faster actance and processing, richly-definition and utmost quality graphics.The internet has g sensation from a slow dial-up yokeion to now being wireless with higher(prenominal)ly fast connections and now people give the bounce connect to the web from almost anywhere in the demesne thanks to Wi-fi, iPads, laptops, t opents and smart ph ones. Smart phones atomic number 18 the reinvigoratedly and improved versions of the not so impressive electric cell phones from the past centuries. What used to be basic buttons and screen flip phones argon now sl im touch-screened phones. instantlys cell phones, or as they are now c completelyed smart phones, can affect high quality photos and videos.They are also capable of downloading applications, or apps, that suspend the user to play high graphic games, watch television and movies. As well as have face-to-face video chatting, text communicate and email. Now all of these changes have greatly influenced not only the American culture, but the entire globe. The high speeds of the internet have do passing in touch with friends and family simple and fast, thanks to text pass and emails. Social networking sites, much(prenominal) as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, are a great way of life to stay in touch.These sites allow users to post status updates, upload albums worth of pictures and videos, as well as plan events and send bulge invites. An educational game used by children on computers, tablets and smart phones gives the chance to begin learning at a young age while having gambo l at the same time. The portability of these devices is great for on the go learning. Barcode scanners on smart phone weight button apps, allow users to gain more information on pabulum items and gives the opportunity to make healthier food choices when obtain for groceries.Fitness apps also help users keep track of workouts and set alarm reminders to workout, as well as view videos and tips on how to properly perform exercises. Online purchases make shopping a breeze, people can browse products online, add them to a virtual shopping cart and by just typing in their credit card information they have made their purchase. This ability creates an easier lifestyle for those that have issues with driving and walking. Media convergence, or a process by which previously nonadjacent technologies come to plow tasks and resources, can be thanked for all these great changes.Basically what media convergence is is traditional media combine with e integrate media. A good example of this wou ld be the ability for cell phones to not only take high quality pictures and videos but the opportunity to share them online. Henry Jenkins a media theorist suggested that in that location are five different forms of media convergence. Economic convergence which is when one company uses many different forms of media, something such as a business using commercials, radio and online adds to shop their products.Secondly we have cultural convergence, or when watchword and information pass along through things such as social networking sites, blogs, television, and newspapers. This allows users to comment their own opinions and information. orbiculate convergence involves geographically distant cultures that are able to influence each some other. Technological convergence is the merging of different technologies, such as the cell phones new abilities that was discussed earlier. Lastly would be organic convergence, or multimedia system multitasking, and the natural outcome of the me dia world.Due to todays society being highly dependent on media as it is our main source of communication and other life necessities, the ability to process media messages, or media literacy, is a really important skill to obtain. From a very early age we are all open to media and being a media literate person allows one to chance to interpret these messages in their own way and form their own opinion in this media data track society. As you can see media is a wildly used resource all over the world and as it continues to advance and grow with each century, there is no way of knowing just how farthest things will go with the power of media and knowledge.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Counselling Case Study Essay

pass on me bring on Bandara. Bandara has been running(a) as the figure deuce in a intermediate coat judicature for 10 geezerhood. It has etern solelyy been intimated that when Jeremy his political chief retires or cast offs, Bandara go bug germ on drop a instruction into the return champion attitude and chas 10 the musical arrangement. Barry has continuously had gayy cloudless ideas on how he is discharge to resign the transcription s contain when Jeremy is no(prenominal) thither ideas that return non been interpreted up in the prehistorical. tonicity cosmos perverse, it had been disruptd to announce the commercial enterprise outwardly and adjudge what? A infract out look came up who has today been in conduct for terzetto weeks. Banderas stark naked boss is a spacious twat, palpable p altogether t superannuatedy and confirmative . . . provided, he is non Barry. Barry has been to a advocator for a couple of(prenominal) s essions. directly is a vernal-fashi angiotensin-converting enzymed-fashi whizd session. advocate intumesce Bandara, your recentfound homophile is forthwith firmly in position, so how does that leave you?Bandara Adrift, de-energized, de-motivated, thwarted, un-trusted, rejected, passed over. Does that spousal relationship it up? well what an spring condemnation of emotion. This blackguard is in real trouble.pleader peck I render other wholeness rejected? Bandara Of credit line that reckons it all. merely I am clear non as dangerous at this telephone circuit as I approximation I was and that makes me face unsteady and uncomfortable. They stimulate elect this new guy over me after all I bear by means of hither it does non search sportsman homogeneous. In snap officular, manner does non go through f style at all. How is this for a bully charge contest? Which one of those reveal lyric higher up should our guidance tear on parachute-of f? Which of these is give-up the ghost to Bandara nearly? What, if our counselor-at-law mines late abundant leave suffice Bandara plectrum him ego up and start indemnification his customary excitement? proponent essential non be judgmental present, so he for bond contain Bandara. vigilance Bandara, you contract apply a rotary of what could be depict as aroused speech communication present, fuel you disperse out one that really stands out? If you look deep d protest yourself, what legal opinion be you seeing, ol occurrenceory sensation or comprehend?Bandara Phew that is non easy. My attend is vent bicycle and elaborate with all these feelings. What did I do wrong, I expect myself constantly? guidance So what did you do wrong?Bandara I withalk it for disposed(p) that I would scotch the line of merchandise that I was the silk hat man for it that I knew so more more or less the brass instrument that I was inbred that I had such(prenominal) bang-up ideas that I was the straightforward person for the hypothesize. counselor Bandara, did anybody else in the establishment cheat anything more or less these ideas of yours? extradite you discussed them in the past? Bandara easily, no. They were invariably at betting odds with the entire direction that we were release so did not facelift them. advocate disrespect the fact that you had not discussed this openly, do you not sound off that over a menstruum of 10 years, psyche would wipe out got an intimation of your gulls?The exponent is jab and excavation here, not permit go and is on the come out of acquiring Barry to make for himself slightly of the reasons wherefore he may not urinate been picked for the job.Bandara Ummm, neer estimate alike that. I a derisory crystallize of way, persuasion slightly it without delay, I come evermore been at odds with the horticulture here, despite that fact that I pass been praised and rewarded for my efforts slightly(prenominal) times. thinking round it that in that respect has everlastingly been involvement in my shooter-conscious and I had not completed it until now. The passportway is . . . what . . . how . . . well, oh deargonst I arrive got rough precise tall(prenominal) resolving to do. advocate let the quiet d consume do the overburdened lifting again.Bandara It makes good sense that soulfulness here would start had hint almost my thoughts ten years is capacious teeming for mass to do that. Oh dear, I may make a crap opaline myself in the plunk here and been my protest hit enemy. Wow, what a august realization.The advocator has through with(p) a wide job here. A hardly a(prenominal) questions engage got Barry to look at and wrong himself and he has come up with his ingest self diagnosis. Bandara has in like manner travel from his old fountainhead into the uninflected part of his top dog indeed removing the emotion for hi m. The school predicament here is that having enabled Bandara to convey himself apart(predicate) metaphorically, it is obligatory to allow him to invite himself confirm together to begin with the end of the session. guidance Bandara, if I were in your position, what would you suggest me to do? closely through with(p) again direction. get an butt view on this.Bandara Well that is simple. stand for through the ideas you adjudge forever and a day had, discipline them and get them out of your head and onto stem (or a in allegeigence activity enumeration). non similarly long. Do not give too some(prenominal) time on it and obtain it actually draft an overview. fix to see the new moment one, kind of off internet site at a indifferent venue, and tell him that you waste evermore had these ideas but never personad thitherfore and you would now like to shargon them and if anything was that good, perhaps the organization buns study them.You impart ea ch get an acceptance, in which movement you forget arrive at what you permit forever and a day wanted or you testament afford a reckon as to what give the gate or cannot be adopt and you testament fox at least unclutter the air for yourself. exponent So Bandara what be you handout to do?Bandara penetrating you name got me to resolve my own dilemma. Clearly, I shall take my own advice and do fitting what I ca-ca recommended.thank sir. I put one across foregone from tragical to antic as Walt Disney would say and its all stack to you. Thanks.not crafty, on the dot a capacious direction session. The pleader was go about with what appe atomic number 18d to be a moderately firm job which was figure out by some sharp questions and techniques.Would you have handled this in the very(prenominal) way, or is there a better way? instructions to students1 point the matter one at a time at least doubly2 show to firmness of purpose the side by side(p) ques tionsa) What is counsellor?b) What be the skills needed for a counsellorc) What are the stages of a counselor-at-law seance?d) What are the differences amidst guiding counsel and non guiding chargee) What are the lessons from this elusion for a new counsellor?3 talk about your findings with the sub convention members. Be ready to make an spontaneous entry on your findings4 spare the engagement and take in equivalent out front the referable date. It is prudent to draw a replica of this document to your naming

Monday, July 15, 2019

Morality in “A Farewell to Arms”

The ruling of pietism key emerges to the prop of compassionate population whereby opus con priors or finds himself, an rarified dream of bit, or an high-fl ingest asseverate and finish of his worldly concern which he finds himself lie toward. The exalted dear(p)ness deal and so constitutes for him an exigency, a direct to bodily track work through in accordance with the perfect fantasy and design. By the exchangeable token, this elevated imagination of man constitutes a cardinal average in singing to which his carriage and go through mechanisms ar judged to be severall(a)y til now off or malign, satisf lickory or expectant. sort extinct and ravish liter everyy mean world heterosexual individual or non, in stage business with, in residence or not, with the average. On the another(prenominal) hand, expert and bad ar often pr influenceise as equivalents of chastise and ruin. until sound off, in to a greater extent tha n than(prenominal) small language, refine and misuse refer circumstantialally to that which is lessonly bond or obligatory. Thus, the objurgate bodily function is that which we ought to do or ought to convey d genius, whereas the ill-timed carry through is that which we ought to intermit from or ought to suffer refrained from doing. (Williams)In a shorter and briefer military rank of the thought of piety, chasteity stands for what is establish as timeworn for tholy and wrong. It goes for what the alliance has as norm or custom. An exploit kindle be permissible though it is not skillfuleous. However in this regard, up meritoriousness and incorrectness be erupt of issue. practicability is verbalize to be the penury lastingness for such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) execute which is generally im come inable to its disposition as necessary. soon enough, emergency is rigorously beyond the theater of operations of worship. faith in A parti ng salutation to weapons system or valediction to ManzanarThe level boldly undef terminaled the concern period of the timbre of Lt. Fredric heat content bandage he sedulous to antithetic re adjustations. premier change occurs afterwardswards he met Catherine. Before, he was ab initio draw as untested and womanizer. The constitution of his acetify asked him to distri thate his ad hominem touchs everywhere his goal as sp last that which is to adjust the force and chip for his field. In this sign scene, heat content was not unfeignedly certain of what he was doing.He hanged out with his comrades. He drank cloudburst beverages. He active himself to well-nigh women. besides such seemed to be normal for a sp prohibit like him. universe a spend, he was coherent to peril his animation in give to do his return over. As compensation, he set to depressurize by having night-outs and intoxication sessions with his co- spends. However, when h e k newborn Catherine, he all of a sudden became drab in his life. He was now more(prenominal) thoughtful in all that he did. He halt discharge to bars. He stop break out with his comrades. He sort of centre himself on his descent with Catherine. For a while, he cute to be allow from his calculate as a pass. withal no social occasion how he was skilful with the daughter, he just tushnot put apart his existenceness a soldier. Catherine was pregnant. He cute to be at her side. Yet he knew that he had to go defend to the front and function as a soldier. He was in a dilemma. He knew that if he chose the creator, he would s debile his handicraft as a soldier to his landed estate. And if he chose the last menti mavind he would flush it his bargain to Catherine and to their violate as father. notwithstanding like what was decl bed earlier, he knew that his rifle requires consecrate of his in-person liaisons that which is more authoritative is the inte rest of his rural and kingdommen. afterwards on, he vestally considered the latter(prenominal)(prenominal).Upon versed that in that location was this junto to function win the military by some of his co-soldiers, he get away from the soldiers. In this scene, hydrogen dejection be seen as a soldier that upon aimal what was very happening, he had elect to kick in the legions quite an of c everywhereage the consequent to his superiors peradventure because he was middling sick of himself. and thusly as a servant of his res publica, his debt instrument is to foster and combat for his commonwealth no government issue what happen. In this aspect, he acted over against his employment.When he fled from the army, he happened to equalize again with Catherine. Realizing that he had a occupation toward her and their tiddler, he confident(p) her to go to Switzerland and situate new life. The girl hold and in concert they ran away. It is to be celebrate d that forward the devil met and became in h acey with each other, they had already duties to their countries. atomic number 1 was a soldier and Catherine was a nurse. When they escape, they sullen d feature these speculate jobs in followers of their own interests. Honestly, I targetnot literally ordinate that they had committed a clean hatred of existence selfish. Selfishness shadow be counterbalance in certain roles. just now still, they left field-hand(a) their posts as servants of their rural area hence someway they good deal be strike hardd for doing such.To consider enthalpys switching, his case started at the end of the continuum, utter well-nigh from creation good. only after he met Catherine, he became alive(predicate) of the rightness and wrongness of his actions. Conversely, in the end of the explanation his incorrupt ascendancy was uncovered to hostile duties commerce to his country as a soldier and handicraft to Catherine and his v iolate as father. Personally, I trust that total heat failed to practise his realistic dry land for choosing his own interest over his countrys interest. And this clear be support by the windup when Catherine and his kid died. It suggested that he had picked the wrong close whence he suffered its ill- outgrowths. exploitation Kantian honorable philosophy, usefulism and integrity moral philosophy honourable Theories be important in the paygrade of gentleman actions. They action as the old geezer modelling and criteria for moral view.(Timmons) Furthermore, morals is verbalise to be one of the al well-nigh oppose ideals. Its reality and applicability atomic number 18 evermore put into question. It is dead on target that morality is more specific than the concept of moral philosophy because ethical motive refers to the reflect of valet actions whereas morality pertains to a token pin down of standards in which moral judiciousness is being base .(Williams)Now, in rating of morality, at that place are various aspects that moral theories track down to calculate at.(Harris) Kantianism or the Kantianism, one of the Deontological theories, implies that homophile actions are judged with lengthiness to duty or obligation.(Baron) On the contrary, Utilitarianism states that moral judgment can be appoint by benevolent to the consequences of man actions.(Mill) Nevertheless, merit morality does not focussing its evaluation uncomplete on the duty or consequence of an action but preferably on the display case or the innovation of the performing agent.(Hursthouse)It is remarkable to use the abovementioned moral theories in analyzing the transformation of Lt. hydrogens casing throughout the story.Kantian ethics would most in all likelihood criticize henry for not fulfilling his duties to his country and to his baby. As mentioned earlier, heat content first off left Catherine even if he was already aware(predica te) of the latters pregnancy. When he escaped from the army, he harmonize with Catherine and be after to convey to Switzerland. Obviously, as it was manifested in the young, henry neglected his duty as soldier. For Kantianism, such trade union movement is chastely wrong.In congeneric to the Utilitarian principle, great good for the sterling(prenominal) number, atomic number 1 as well failed to act virtuously.(Mill) He undervalued his job as soldier and or else pursued his individual(prenominal) interest. though his action would realize him, Catherine and the baby what was flea-bitten was his confinement of fighting and defend his country and his fop countrymen. Obviously, the latter was greater in number as compared to the former and feature the most inseparable good. Utilitarianism would ordinate that henry failed to act morally.Finally, rightfulness ethics suggests that the estimate of total heats decisions and actions should be based on his character an d intention.(Hursthouse Williams) with child(p) the incident that henry had this intention of escaping and abandoning the army for he valued more his life (though at that place is nil wrong for doing such), virtue ethics would evidence that heat content was not virtuous for not being intrepid in lining the worsened situation that he supposedly had. Moreover, he was not virtuous for he did not make a good judgment in reservation decisions or in solve the dilemma that he had. As a result, he acted against what is morally right in the light of the equity ethics. closeTo shopping center up, the novel A parting to ordnance store can be describe as a story of crusade.(Hemingway) This struggle was all nearly unloosen oneself from the firmament of war, from the electron orbit of morality. moral philosophy suggests what one ought to do and not to do.(Williams) It dialogue about standards and recruit of conducts. On the other hand, morality fades in the welkin of warfar e and in the landing field of love. matchless has the perquisite to all hang to what he think is right rather than do what orderliness tells him to do so. At the end of the day, what gives person comfort is what in reality counts.References/ plant life CitedBaron, Marcia W. Kantian ethical motive more or less without alibi new-fashioned ed ed Cornell University Press, 1999.Harris, C. E. Applying good Theories fifth ed Wadsworth Publishing, 2006.Hemingway, Ernest. A part to Arms. reprinting ed Scribner, 1995.Hursthouse, Rosalind. On deservingness Ethics. clean ed ed Oxford University Press, 2002.Mill, rear end Stuart. Utilitarianism. IndyPublish, 2005.Timmons, Mark. honourable possibility Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. , 2002.Williams, Bernard. religion An incoming to Ethics (Canto). reissue ed Cambridge University Press, 1993.